Raj Gosal

Fora.ie Interview with Raj Gosal, Founder of Computerology

We were delighted to have Raj Gosal, founder of Computerology, profiled by the leading business news website, Fora.ie, earlier this week.

Fora.ie profiled Raj as part of a regular series the media outlet runs, telling the stories of entrepreneurs from diverse sectors.

In his profile, Raj speaks about moving to Ireland from his native UK in 2004, and the lessons he learned en route to setting up Computerology and growing the business.

He also shares some of his insights on doing business in Ireland, and on the differences between the IT sectors here and in the UK.


Tips for Success


Some of the tips for successful business highlighted by Raj include:

  1. Network: in Ireland who you know and make connections with can be more important that what’s on your CV. So build your network – professionally and on a social level; everyone is a potential client!
  2. Give something back: in the article, Raj speaks about how his voluntary activity with Ranelagh Arts Festival led to business opportunities for him and helped him to make connections as a newcomer to Dublin.
  3. Take advantage of business networks and organisations that support start-ups. There are hundreds of free events each year for business-owners, so make the effort to attend some that are relevant to your work.
  4. Be selective about who you work with: work with people who respect their vendors and suppliers. According to Raj: “If I have that trust in a client and they have trust in me, I know there will be very few issues in getting projects approved, because they know I use best-practice and work to best standards”.

You can read the full piece about how Computerology came to be here.

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